Hydraulic Windrow Compost Turning Machine

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Cow manure turning machine/organic fertilizer turning machine


3m Wide Pile Cow manure turning machine/organic fertilizer turning machine The organic fertilizer turning machine is a special machine for turning the organic fertilizer by using sticky materials such as livestock manure, sludge, distiller's grains, furfural and so on. It is a special machine for the production of organic fertilizer and turning the materials. The power is 156 horsepower diesel engine. The width is less than 3 meters, and the turning height is less than 1.5meters. This machine not only can evenly turn and pile the materials, but also effectively break and loosen the slabs in the base fertilizer after fermentation. [...]

Cow manure turning machine/organic fertilizer turning machine2020-08-29T10:36:32+00:00

Pile Self-Propelled Compost Turner (Wheel/Tire/Crawler)


Pile Self-Propelled Compost Turner (Wheel/Tire/Crawler) Chicken Waste Compost Turner/Chicken Dung Compost Turner/Chicken Manure Compost Turner/Chicken Dung Compost Turner Machine/Chicken manure Turning machine/Tire chicken manure turning machine/tire chicken manure turning machine/striped chicken manure turning machine Chicken manure turning machine/chicken manure turning machine/tire chicken manure turning machine/tire chicken manure turning machine/striped chicken manure turning machine has obvious advantages of low investment, low consumption, fast fertilizer production and large output . The chicken manure turning machine is the ideal equipment to use modern technology to convert agricultural waste, livestock manure and organic domestic waste into high-quality bio-organic fertilizer. Pile Self-Propelled Compost Turner (Wheel/Tire/Crawler) Model [...]

Pile Self-Propelled Compost Turner (Wheel/Tire/Crawler)2020-08-29T10:19:18+00:00